Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous

Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous grew out of the Atheists Meetup group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We seek to provide an opportunity for those who self-identify as atheists to meet with one another for fellowship and to discuss matters of mutual interest. --Dan Nerren, moderator

Sunday, July 25, 2010

TAM, 7-25-10

It was close to 1 pm when Kenny called the meeting of the Tulsa Atheist Meetup to order. Kenny said he had purchased a canopy to be used at the Free Tulsa Music Festival next weekend to be held in the vicinity of Cain’s Ballroom. The portion due from HAT will be $66.67. A two-day ticket to attend the Festival will cost $15, but those working at the Festival get in free. Ticket price includes a t-shirt. Kenny said he would like to have more volunteers.

Our group will have a prime spot among the vendors. We will have two canopy tents. I assume the other tent will be that of HAT. If you intend to work the first part of either day, please be there at 2:30 pm.

The mid-month social gathering will be held at the Delta Café. A poll was taken to see how many people lived close to which Delta Café. The results were split almost evenly among the two locations. Check the TAM web site to find which location will be the one chosen.

Next Will spoke to the group. He is sponsoring the Atheist Hotline. He said our group now is on Facebook.

Nick Singer, president of Oklahoma Atheists, addressed our group. He said his group is made up mostly of young people who are activists. Plans for a gathering of both groups in Stroud could not be worked out, he said.

Next, Stan Young addressed the group. He spoke about a book titled Three Lives of a Warrior written by Phil Butler. He also referred to a Dana French, whose name I Googled. There were several people by this name, so if Mr. Young would like to include something about Mr. French, I invite Mr. Young to add it by attaching a comment to this blog entry.

Next, Bill Dusenberry spoke to the group. Bill spoke on the Boy Scouts issue and the hospitals issue. He mentioned that around September 1 a billboard will be erected calling attention to the fact that Oklahoma at one time had an atheist representing us in the U.S. Senate. He mentioned that Freethought Radio is available at AM 540. Dan Barker or Anne Laurie Gaylor will be making a trip to Tulsa in conjunction with a billboard to be erected at approximately 14th and the BA Expy. Plans are in the works to bring Rob Boston to Tulsa.

There was some discussion of 12-step recovery programs, the Secular Organization for Sobriety, and Alcoholics Anonymous. Three videos or books were cited by advocates within our group: Decoding the Language of God, Veiled Atrocities, and Why We Fight.

There was some discussion of our library and the absence of our librarian.

These are the highlights that caught my attention. As always, you are welcome to add your own comments by using the comment feature below


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