TAM meeting, 11-28-10
There were about 20 people at today's TAM meeting. Kenny opened the floor for people to talk about their experiences with religious friends and neighbors around Thanksgiving. People were cautioned about exposing too much personal information about themselves on social networking sites.
Annie Laurie Gaylor will be in Tulsa around December 18 or 19. She will be at Randy's to accept an award for someone...we will need to designate that person soon. Earlier plans were to give an award to Mike Ritze (R-BA) in conjunction with the 10 Commandments monument on the state capitol grounds. But has the monument been placed yet? What is the hold up?
Bill mentioned pantheism and the World Pantheist Society. If everything is god, then nothing is god.
Bill Mahar will be coming to Tulsa soon. Mahar has done as much to promote atheism as anyone we could think of presently.
The Pope has been in the news with his relaxed stand on condom use. What a shocker! Now if he would only broaden his view to include all women, that would be real progress.
I missed the October meeting as I was recouperating from surgery, but it came as a surprise to me that Kenny was stepping down as organizer. He cited his job which takes him out of Tulsa frequently. The club has achieved a lot under his leadership. I am thinking specifically of the development of cable advertising and his organizing of the Free Tulsa Music Festival tabling effort. Kenny will still be a member of our group, just as I, the original organizer of the group, am still a member. Taking over for Kenny will be William Poire. William has been an assistant organizer for several months now. William spoke of the desire to set up some committees at the next meetup.
At the end of the meeting, a representative from the state Adopt-A-Highway program showed a video and answered questions about our participation in the program. The initial cleanup will happen soon. We are asked to clean up a section of Highway 169 from 21st Street to Admiral Blvd. (north side only). A sign crediting TAM for this effort will go up soon.
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