Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous

Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous grew out of the Atheists Meetup group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We seek to provide an opportunity for those who self-identify as atheists to meet with one another for fellowship and to discuss matters of mutual interest. --Dan Nerren, moderator

Sunday, August 24, 2008

TAM 8.24.08

Kenny said at the start of the meetup that he had nothing in particular to talk about in these “dog days of August,” but talk we did. Two and a quarter hours later we dispersed.

One topic Kenny raised was security, or more specifically, our plans for security. While we do not wish to discourage newcomers from attending, we also do not wish to open ourselves up to “debates” with believers. Debating believers is not our purpose for the meetups. They would serve only to sidetrack us as we make plans for action. In the future I will restrict the meetup announcements to people who have signed up for Atheists Meetup. Other security measures will be added, but they cannot be discussed on this public message board.

Bill D. attended a meeting of the Tulsa Press Club. He spoke with an official from the Union School District and found they had much in common. Bill attended as a representative of the (soon to be) Tulsa Chapter of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, yet to be officially chartered. Bill has agreed to be Vice-president of the chapter. Ron has agreed to be Treasurer. Karl agreed to serve as President. Where are you Karl Sniderman? Busy crafting letters to newspapers? On vacation? Until we hear from Karl, the Tulsa AU chapter is on hold.

Bill also mentioned an item in today’s paper (see bottom of page G6) about a state senator from Nebraska. Bill said we should send him a note of encouragement. The man is an atheist and a state senator.

There was a bit of discussion regarding a dispute between the Rational Response Squad and the NYC Atheists.

Next month our guest speaker will be Abigail Smith, a graduate student at OU.

Kenny would like to look into the possibility of underwriting a program on NPR. He phoned the station and was told someone would be getting back with him on this matter, but as yet, no one has.


Marilyn noted that Justin McKean, a member of our group, will be leading a workshop on “Reading Shakespeare Aloud,” starting Thursday, September 18, at Central Library. Unless I am mistaken, it continues for six consecutive Thursday nights. Correct me if I am wrong about this, Marilyn. It is to culminate with a “Recital of Shakespeare.”

We have a two-part question to open our next meetup with: (1) What is your definition of atheism; and, (2) What do you believe in? I can see this as being time-consuming; therefore, we might have to spread it over two or three meetups? I would estimate that I will need a good half-hour, myself.

At the end of the meetup a collection was taken to defray the expense of the next six-month affiliation with meetup.com which will cost $72. I received $55, which when added to the $4.10 on hand brought our total up to $59.10.

Friday, August 01, 2008

August 2008 Activities of Interest To Freethinkers

Sat., August 2, 7:00pm
Movie Night at the Bradleys, 6705 E. 54th St. Gail and Dan will perform duets at the piano by Wohlfarht and Mozart. Feature presentation to be decided that evening.

Sat., August 9, 2:00pm
Secular Singers at home of Gail Storey, 4630 S. Victor Ave. There will be a whole lot of hootin’ and hollarin’ going on. All welcome.

Sun., August 10, 1:00pm
Humanist Study Group at Randy’s, 6705 E. 54th St. Topic: TBA

Sun., August 17, 1:00pm
HAT Monthly Membership Meeting at Hardesty Library, 93rd and Memorial. Yes, we are still meeting at Hardesty. Brian Hill will be showing selections from the PBS special “The Question of God.”

Sat., August 23, 11:30am
Food & Fellowship at Helen of Troy, 6700 S. Lewis.

Sun., August 24, 1:00pm
Atheists Meetup at Agora Coffee House, Fontana Center.

Questions? Call Randy at 622-6975 or Dan at 798-3629.