Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous

Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous grew out of the Atheists Meetup group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We seek to provide an opportunity for those who self-identify as atheists to meet with one another for fellowship and to discuss matters of mutual interest. --Dan Nerren, moderator

Monday, November 24, 2008

Tulsa Atheists Meetup 11-23-08

December for most people is a busy time of year. Therefore, we will have a reduced calendar for that month. However, since we only have two monthly events sponsored by TAM, those two events will be on the calendar. You will notice HAT events are few for December. The December freethought calendar will be sent out in about a week.

Yesterday, Sunday, November 23, the Tulsa Atheists Meetup was held. About 14 people were present. It was a good, harmonious gathering. We had three first-time attendees, and they entered the discussion and were enthusiastic about our existence. The youngest was a 22-year old young lady. Another lady who lives in Wagoner made arrangements to car pool with Bob H. The other first-timer was a young man.

The topic for discussion was: What I do believe. We are all aware of what we do not believe – namely, the existence of a god. But, yesterday we had the opportunity to talk about what we do believe. I spoke about and read the statement written by Paul Kurtz called “The Affirmations of Humanism: A Statement of Principles.” Next, Bill D. got up and spoke extemporaneously about events in his past and where he is today vis-à-vis religion. For parents to indoctrinate their children in their religious ways is a form of child abuse, he said. Bill has put together a questionnaire to stimulate thinking about religious questions. I will be sending this out to those on this list in a few days. Finally, Marilyn got up and spoke on the role of parenting (parents being magical, godlike figures from our childhood who anticipate and meet our needs) in forming beliefs about religion. After almost two hours of talk, we went outside and stood around talking for about a half hour.

Following the meeting, Bob N., our treasurer, gave me a check for $72, a reimbursement for six months of connection with Meetup.com. He also had a check for $77 and two letters of apology for Abbie S. who spoke to our group earlier this year. One was from Kenny N. and the other was from the leadership of TAM.

Sunday, November 02, 2008

November Freethought Schedule

November 2008
Activities of Interest to Freethinkers

Sat., Nov. 1, 7:00pm Movie Night at the Bradleys, 6705 E. 54th St.
Movie selection: TBA

Sat., Nov. 8, 2:00 pm Secular Singers, meet at Gail’s house, 4630 S. Victor Ave.

Sun., Nov. 9, 1:00pm Humanist Study Group at the Bradleys, 6705 E. 54th. We will listen to and discuss a Point of Inquiry podcast.

Tues., Nov. 11, 7:00 pm Liberal Action Network at Agora Coffee House, Fontana Center.

Sat., Nov. 15, 7:00 pm Atheists Meetup Mid-Month Social Gathering. Venue TBA

Sun., Nov. 16, 1:00pm HAT Monthly Membership Meeting at Hardesty Library, 93rd and Memorial. Brain Hill will review the book Camelot and the Cultural Revolution: How the Assassination of John F. Kennedy Shattered American Liberalism by James Piereson.

Sat., Nov. 22, 11:30am Food & Fellowship at The Rib Crib, 6902 S. Lewis.

Sun., Nov. 23, 1:00pm Atheists Meetup at Agora Coffee House, Fontana Center.

Questions? Call Randy at 622-6975 or Dan at 798-3629.