Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous

Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous grew out of the Atheists Meetup group in Tulsa, Oklahoma. We seek to provide an opportunity for those who self-identify as atheists to meet with one another for fellowship and to discuss matters of mutual interest. --Dan Nerren, moderator

Thursday, September 29, 2005

I often listen to KWTU while driving in my car. Recently I noticed another station's signal -- a signal from a Christian radio station -- interferring with the signal from KWTU. I would be listening to a Mozart symphony and all of a sudden hear someone say "Prasie Jesus" or some other kind of god-talk. I sent an e-mail to the KWTU and asked them what was happening. Below is the response I received from Rich Fisher.

Mr Nerren,

Thanks for writing. We have not decreased power for KWTU. The
interference is from a religious station west of Ponca City. They are
also at 88.7 and during the spring and fall, atmospheric conditions
cause a bounce phenomenon that causes stations to be heard far beyond
their normal range. The Ponca City KLUV is licensed for more power
than KWTU (nothing we can do there) and when the bounce occurs it can
overpower KWTU in its fringe areas. And yes, Sand Springs is a fringe
area for KWTU. Our transmitters are located to the north of Coweta. FCC
requires non-commercial stations (88-92fm) to be co-located or located
immediately near Channel 6 TV stations to avoid TV-radio interference.

All that said, these atmospheric conditions are weather related. Once
Summer gives up for Autumn, they should dissipate. Expect similar
conditions in Spring as well. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and
thank you for listening.

Best Regards,
Rich Fisher
Public Radio Tulsa GM

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Next Rendezvous - October 18

Our next Rendezvous will be held on Tuesday, October 18, starting at 7:00 PM at the Zarrow Regional Library, 2224 W. 51st St.

Today I made a dozen flyers advertising our group. I will try to get out and get them posted in the next few days.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Signmaker refuses job for atheists

At our last Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous meeting I expressed my desire to see our group purchase some signs to advertise our existence. I thought I had found a signmaker who would make us about 25 signs for around $80. However, he backed out when he saw what I wanted printed on the signs: Atheist Rendezvous. Had he accepted the job, the signs would have cost me about $3.10.

I called two other signmakers today. One is here in Sand Springs. My call was answered by an answering machine. I left a message, but have not had my call returned yet. Another signmaker (this one in Tulsa) gave me a price of $8.00 per sign. That would be $200. Too much I think.

I'll check on some more vendors tomorrow. If I don't find one who can make the signs for around $80, I might do what Bill Forney suggested and make my own.

I would also like to have some flyers printed and posted on utility poles. If anyone would like to assist me in this effort, please let me know.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

TAR Update

There were only three in attendance at the TAR meeting last Tuesday; however, one who came, Julia, was a first-time attendee. Julia has a background in music and will be joining the Secular Singers. Larry and I were the other two who were there.

Not too many months ago we had 16 present for the monthly gathering. Why the big decline? Lack of publicity is the probable cause. A few months ago this group was known as the Tulsa Atheist Meetup. Meetup provided a service of enabling people of various interests to meetup face-to-face with one another via internet contact. This service was free up until a few months ago. Then Meetup began charging each group's organizer a monthly fee. Our group decided we would try to survive and operate independently of Meetup. We selected a new name -- Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous.

Without the publicity we had been getting from Meetup, our numbers began declining. In an attempt to revive interest in the group, I will be purchasing some advertising. More on this later.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous

Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous

Our September Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous will be held this Tuesday (9/20/05) at the Zarrow Library starting at 7:00 PM. Join us for conversation, and if you would like to read something to the group, please bring it.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

To touch or not to touch

While indexing the forthcoming book King Tiger: The Religious Vision of Reies Lopez Tijerina, I came across this interesting passage:

Recounting the post-resurrection episodes between the risen Jesus and his followers, Tijerina pondered the mystery that Jesus would not allow Mary to touch him ("Do not hold onto me, for I have not yet returned to the father. . ." [John 20:17]), but that he encouraged Thomas to feel his wounds ("Put your finger here. . . . Reach out your hand and put it into my side . . ." [John 20:26]).

For some reason, I had completely missed seeing this contradiction.

September Freethought Activities

Sept. 2005 Freethought Activities

Wed., Sept. 7, 11:30am
ALGAE, lunch at Thai Siam, on 31st west of Sheridan.

Sat., Sept. 10, 10am
Secular Singers at Dan's house: 4925 Spruce Dr., Sand Springs. Join Bea, Randy, Gail, and Dan to sing freethought and other songs. If you play an instrument, bring it with you.

Sun., Sept. 11, 2pm
Humanist Study Group at Border’s, 81st & Yale. Read Harold Hill’s notes on Situation Ethics sent to you by e-mail earlier.

Sun., Sept. 18, 1pm
HAT Monthly Membership Meeting at the Hardesty Library, near 93rd and Memorial. Brian Hill will speak about a book.

Wed., Sept. 21, 11:30am
ALGAE, lunch at White River Fish Market, 1708 N. Sheridan.

Tues., Sept. 20, 7pm
Tulsa Atheist Rendezvous at Zarrow Library, 2224 W. 51st St.

Sat., Sept. 24, 10:00am to noon
Secular Singers rehearsal at Dan's, 4925 Spruce Dr. in Sand Springs.

Sat., Sept. 24, 12:30am
Food & Fellowship, at India Palace, on Lewis near 71st St.